Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Hydroxycut Warning Side Effects Of Hydroxycut Hardcore

By John Eddings

Hydroxycut Hardcore is one of the best selling diet supplements on the market today with years of study, development and testing. That being said what are the side effects of this popular diet supplement. Nowadays there is nothing on the market that does not have any side effects but you have to way the good and bad you be the judge weather or not it is worth it.

Increase in blood pressure,increase heart rate, the main reason for this is caffeine so if you have a harmful reaction to caffeine products then this might not be for you. On a side note this is a product which you Do Not want to take any caffeinated products while taking hydroxycut.

Headaches light handedness and dizziness are associated with hydroxycut also when ever you are taking a supplement there these are very common because the ingredients ie:caffeine green tea to name the most common ingredients.

Loss of appetite in most cases this is not a side effect it is an advantage to taking hydroxy cut hardcore.

Feel restless and hyperactive again this in large due to the fact of the caffeine and green tea the other ingredients "which are synthetic" are designed to increase the effect of caffeine and green tea.

As in any diet supplement you have to read and follow the directions. So if you can handle these side effects and they do not bother you then it might be for you. The increase in blood pressure,heart rate and headaches are slight and if you drink a couple espressos you can get the same side effects Also its a good idea to consult your doctor before you attempt any type of supplement.

The author is an avid body builder in his spare time and is always wanting to share information on products he has used or have knowledge about. If you want to lose weight, or get more out of your workouts go here and read more on Hydroxycut Hardcore Review

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