Cures for Pimples - Strange Methodsby Tim AlanThat pimple surfaces like a submarine out of water. What do you do? Some of us go to really extreme measures to try and get those zits to settle down and go away. I've seen and heard of some really strange methods for curing those unwelcomed pimples. If they work or not I'm not sure. But the people who use them swear that they do just what they are using them to do. Cure pimples. It should be noted that I have not seen these methods work over a landscape of people. This article is intended just to show some of the outlandish cures people will try for their pimples. Pop singer and movie star Jennifer Lopez says that when she has a pimple pop out for a visit she reaches for the dentist approved tooth paste. According to her applying tooth paste applied to the infected area before she goes to bed takes out the swelling and redness. Ultimately the zit is on it's way out because of tooth paste. In my venture to try tooth paste it didn't work as well for me. Instead I woke up in the middle of the night with dry mouth. I guess it found its way to its intended destination. My Big Fat Greek Wedding featured Windex as a cure all. Even for that unwanted acne visit. I've heard some chatter that it has actually worked for some people. But spraying windex on your face before you go to bed sounds like a bad idea to me. I wouldn't try it. How about this concocktion of acne treatment? Lemon juice mixed with salt and beet juice. It surely doesn't sound good to taste but apparently some have used this mixture to treat their acne. About the Author Now if you want to check out Acne Cures for Pimples that actually work visit: |
Friday, May 4, 2007
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Obesity And Herbal Weight Loss
By Mark Dailey
A major health concern for Americans today is obesity. It is approximated that two-thirds of American adults are considered overweight, while one-third of Americans are considered obese or seriously overweight. Obesity is defined as “having an abnormal amount of body fat; being 20 to 30 percent over the ideal weight for age, sex, and height,” and it plagues modern Americans as the number one health concern.
Setting aside its considerable emotional and aesthetic issues, obesity is a huge risk factor for life-threatening health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney problems, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, cancer, and gallstones. Excessive body weight also creates a large amount of stress on joints, ultimately increasing a person’s chances of developing arthritis.
Given the risks inherent in being obese or even overweight, it’s important to take safe, natural steps to improve one’s health. One way to do this is to utilize herbal weight loss methods. Herbal supplements are a great way to achieve natural weight loss.
Herbal weight loss may help to raise the body’s metabolism level, suppress the appetite, and/or add to overall health and well-being. But, as always when starting a new weight-loss regime, it’s important to be aware of any possible side effects of herbal and/or natural weight loss supplements. Always consult with a health care professional.
Examples of weight loss supplements and herbal weight loss methods include:
- Aloe Vera: improves digestion by cleaning the digestive tract.
- Astralgus: provides a boost of energy and quickly satisfies any craving for sweets.
- Bee pollen: a herbal weight loss method that stimulates metabolism and, as with Astralgus, quickly satisfies any urge for sweets.
- Ephedra (also known as huang): a weight loss supplement that suppresses appetite and increases the metabolism.
- Kelp: provides a boost to the metabolism.
- Licorice: reduces any cravings for sweets and regulates blood sugar levels.
Still, weight loss herbs should be combined with healthy eating and lifestyle habits, as well as moderate exercise 2-3 times per week. When taken alone however, weight loss pills like Proactol can help a person bind up to 27% of fat before digesting it, burn off stored fat and calories and increase energy and motivation to exercise and lose more weight.
Mark Daily lost 55 pounds testing the most popular herbal weight loss pills. He is also a nutritionist who recommends effective weight loss pills to his several clients. Learn more about the best and most effective weight loss pills at his website,
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How to Plan Effective Nutrition Diet for Weight loss?
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Do You Really Need to Lose Weight Rapidly with Pills?

Nowadays we want quick fixes for everything. If you want to lose weight rapidly with pills I'm going to challenge you to rethink your strategy. Here's why.
The first fact to consider is that many of the wonderful claims that are being made about this pill can make you lose weight this fast and that pill can make you lose weight that fast is pure and unadulterated nonsense.
Many of the people making those claims have little more on their minds than getting their fingers into your purse or wallet.
Can pills make or help you lose weight? Yes, some certainly can.
Is it the best and safest way of losing weight?
No, sensible exercise and diet adjustment are by far the safest way of losing weight.
Many of the pills on the market today make you lose water volume instead of fat volume. The scale moves down a little, but your dimensions don't. What is the use of that?
Even though a few of the pills on the market can give you rapid weight loss, your results are usually only temporary. Before you know it you're back at the weight that you started at before taking those pills.
Why is that?
It happens because pills do not modify your eating habits, lifestyle, and exercise routine (or lack of it).
You cannot use most of these pills for prolonged periods of time. Even the labels tell you so.
That means, when you stop taking the pills and continue with your normal lifestyle, you gain all that weight back again.
That's a ton of money down the drain.
Develop a sensible exercise routine and modify your eating habits in a way that your exercise consumes more calories than you take in, and you will see those pounds literally fly off you.
In closing, you can lose weight rapidly with pills and only with some of the pills on the market today. However, you will probably gain back all that weight. Rather exercise and modify your eating habits for rapid weight loss that lasts.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Sex Life Can Improve When Obese Men Lose Weight
"Weight loss can have a positive effect on the sexual health of an obese man who has erectile dysfunction," Dr. Christopher S. Saigal of the University of California at Los Angeles, who was not involved in the study, told Reuters Health in an interview.
Saigal noted "weight loss is a goal for all of our obese patients," because it can improve many health indicators, such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels. But for patients, these benefits of weight loss are often "intangible," Saigal said.
Weight loss can provide tangible benefits to obese men, according to the UCLA physician, who is the author of an editorial that accompanies the study in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
"If you lose the weight, you may regain sexual function," Saigal said. "That's a carrot for an obese individual."
But, Saigal pointed out, "This study does come with a caveat." The participants did not have high blood pressure, diabetes or other health problems that may make weight loss less effective for improving erectile dysfunction, he said.
In the 2-year study, a team led by Dr. Katherine Esposito of the Second University of Naples followed 110 obese men with erectile dysfunction.
Half of the men were randomly assigned to participate in an intensive weight-loss program that included individualized advice on boosting exercise and improving diet. The other half received general information about healthy eating and exercise, but did not receive any individualized guidance.
By the end of the study, men in the intensive group achieved significant weight loss, along with improvements in several health indicators, such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
What's more, 17 men (31 percent) in the intensive group regained sexual function by the end of the study, compared with just 3 men in the other group.
"Our data demonstrate that lifestyle changes, including a reduced calorie diet and increased exercise, improve erectile dysfunction in obese men," Esposito and her colleagues conclude.
"Interventions focused on modifiable health behaviors may represent a safe strategy to improve erectile function and reduce cardiovascular risk in obese patients," the authors state.
Saigal agreed that weight loss is "a great first-line therapy" for erectile dysfunction. Losing weight will not hurt patients, he said, and if it doesn't improve erectile dysfunction, there are several drugs on the market that may be helpful.
He has been a certified personal trainer for 9 years, with one year as the #1 trainer at Gold’s Gym Santa Clarita. Joel was a Santa Clarita Spectrum trainer for 1 year, and at Santa Clarita Athletic Club he was one of the most desired and requested trainers, always listed in the top 3 trainers for 4 years straight. Joel has maintained his own in-home private personal training business in Santa Clarita for 5 years. He was an amateur boxer in Michigan for 6 years, was a junior Golden Gloves champion, and has been a professional boxer (state licensed) for 3 years. Joel has UCLA certified training, CPR certification for adults, babies and children, and is certified by AFAA. Joel’s private clients have increased their bone density by up to 13% (2-3% is considered “good” by the medical community). As an actor, Joel has appeared on such shows as Battle Dome (UPN TV) and Extreme Gong as the “Hunk of the Day” (Game Show Network). Joel has modeled for The Goddess Within (Santa Clarita) ads in Edwards Theatres, and appeared in Men’s Health magazine.
Article Source:
Finally Revealed: Losing Weight With Hypnosis
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Lose Stomach Fat - The Unsolved Mystery
The most popular question in the weight loss industry is the question, “How to lose stomach fat?" And "fast?"
Well, it's a mystery that has been dying to be solved, and fortunately it really has been solved. You will need very simple steps to lose stomach fat really fast, trust me, I tried it myself, and I was jumping up and down after three weeks, when I could actually see the curves of my six pack.
You see in order to actually lose stomach fat, you need to make sure, and the overall body fat is low. You probably have heard this again and again. But I am still convinced to say that you HAVE to lose overall body fat.
And I am sure you sure want to know how to get rid of that flabby arms, fat around back, fat thighs, and breast fat as well...
The following simple steps are guaranteed to help you lose stomach fat at least by an inch or two in just three weeks. An inch or two? Disappointed?
Trust me, you will be looking real good once you see results, and you want to lose four inches? Continue it for another three weeks with added variation...
1. The first thing you need to do is get yourself motivated. This can be done by putting a really hot looking poster infront of your bed so that the minute you decide to hit the snooze button, you see the picture and reconsider the snooze button.
Why do I suggest you to wake up early? The fact is, in order to lose stomach fat fast you are going to workout two times a day. That's right folks. TWO times a DAY.
2. Now for you morning cardio. Now you are probably pissed off because you would surely fall asleep while doing the treadmill or stationary bike for 45 minutes. And of course you will be lazy to get into your gym suit and go to the gym, but you do want to lose the fat around your stomach right? Guess what? You are only going to do 20 minutes of cardio or less.
You are not going to be doing any slow boring traditional cardio. You are now entering HIGH Intensity Interval Training. I can give you two options for HIIT but I am going to give you my favorite option. It's called Bodyweight Interval Training.
I chose this option because I have heard many people say that early morning cardio on an empty stomach will take away all that essential muscle mass in your body. And thank god I found about this GUY who actually gave me a glimpse of heaven.
With bodyweight training, you are going to burn very large amounts of fat for 24 HOURS straight and you are also going to gain very good amount of muscle.
3. Immediately after your morning workout, have a glass of whey protein. It is hundred percent natural and not at all harmful for your body because it’s made from certain ingredients in milk. And protein by far is a very important requirement to help you lose stomach fat. I mean it.
4. Now comes a very important rule to lose stomach fat. You need to eat a minimum of six short meals a day. All your meals are going to be between 350 to 500 calories. And make my words, you need to have lean protein on every meal you have.
Protein is very important. It is going to play a major role in losing overall body fat. Lean chicken, Lean fish and whey protein is all you need for three weeks. You want lean meat? Keep it low.
If you enjoyed the first four steps so far, then you have enjoyed 45% of your fat loss success. And in order to drive your car without getting blown out, you need to close your fuel tank.
And exactly the same way, if you actually want to lose stomach fat, you have to follow all the steps. Since the additional steps require videos and pictures for example, Click Here
for the full version of this method and I guarantee you will be successful in not only losing stomach fat but you will also get an excellent body sculpt and tone.
Abi Shaan is a fat loss fanatic. He loves to find wierd ways to lose fat as fast as possible by tweaking the methods provided by popular gurus and thus, has become popular in his local are himself. If you want to learn more hard and strenous methods of fat loss, is here.
Article Source:
Motivating Weight Loss
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Chinese Weight Loss Secret Revealed

Here is how to rub fat away from your belly:
The conventional methods for losing weight and flattening the abs are often tedious and they simply don’t work, they require a lot of sacrifice and are very expensive, each day there is a new book on how to lose those inches!
Today I am going to show you a simple way to remove fat from your belly-it is a simple 5000 year old Chinese method that tales just two minutes of your time!
Lie on your back to begin this exercise. Put the palm of your hands on your navel then simply rub it as follows.
Use your right hand, then rub clockwise from the center, that is from right to left, first in small circles, then increase the circles until the upper and lower abs are being rubbed when you have covered both the lower and upper abs, reverse the movement counter clockwise, this time the circle gets smaller with each and every counter clockwise rotation until you are back at the navel.
Do not apply force, you want a simple gentle rub, when you get to the navel, repeat from the start again, do this 10-12 times
Your chi-invincible energy is being passed from the hands through the skin to your belly, so as you go in circles, you are applying energy to the muscles of the stomach. That is what happens when you apply your right hand on your belly and performing the clockwise movement.
Visualize the energy from the hands going through the skin to your belly, gently massaging and burning fat off your abdominal area to make this exercise more effective.
This electricity from your hands- your chi- massages your intestines, your blood vessels and your digestive and bowl system.
Fat accumulations are disturbed from their resting place and broken up, where it is passed into the bowl system and eliminated.
This way your stubborn fat is burned away simply by rubbing away!
Another benefit when you rub your abs in a clockwise position is that you are encouraging proper bowel movement. This relieves constipation that is usually causes water retention and weight gain.
So if you suffer from constipation, this exercise will allow you to have regular bowel movements which will allow you to lose those last few stubborn pounds.
If You Like This Article, then you might also like my other must-read Weight Loss Articles at - See You There!
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What To Eat To Lose Weight
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
K.I.S.S. Diet Plan - A Keep It Simple & Satisfying Diet Plan
If you are searching for a diet plan that is easy to implement, where you can find everything you need at the grocery store and is healthy and satisfying, you may wish to consider the K.I.S.S. Diet Plan. The K.I.S.S. Diet Plan may work for you because it can be adjusted to your lifestyle, it is not strict and incorporates positive aspects of several other diet programs.
The K.I.S.S. Diet Plan uses healthy low carbohydrate foods, low carb meal replacement shakes, pre-packaged, portion controlled meals, low calorie, healthy snacks, fresh fruits and vegetables and an all natural appetite suppressant diet pill.
The K.I.S.S. Diet Plan advises you to eat 6 times a day: 3 regular meals, and 3 healthy snacks. You choose what to eat at each meal. Each day you should have:
- (1) Meal replacement shake or bar which is low carb/high protein with a serving of fruit or non-starch vegetable.
- (1) Pre-packaged, portion controlled low carb/high protein diet meal with a serving of fresh fruit or vegetable.
- (1) Prepared meal (fresh food) using 5-6 ounces of lean meat or fish either roasted, baked, broiled or pan broiled with a very small amount of olive oil. Add to that a tablespoon or 2 of sauce or chutney; Plus, 2 cups of vegetables with a tiny amount of olive oil and/or a sprinkle of low fat cheese. And, 1 cup of brown rice, whole wheat pasta (you can add a little low carb tomato sauce to it) or sweet potato.
- (3) Snacks spread throughout the day/evening, like 15 walnuts or almonds, 30 pistachios (no preservatives), a bag of low sugar "100" calorie snacks, a sugar free popsicle, fat free yogurt, 2 ounces of fat free cheese (anything that is low carb, low sugar and within 100-125 calories).
- (2-3) All Natural Appetite Suppressant diet pills like Hoodia Plus or Proactol.
- Daily: Drink 6-8 ounces of Purified Water and take a good multi-vitamin.
With the K.I.S.S. Diet Plan you have a lot of variety. It's not just meal replacement shakes or prepackaged diet meals. Yet, it does use these "easy" diet meals so it keeps the program simpler. You decide when to eat the meal replacement shakes or prepared fresh foods, so you can go out to eat for one meal, yet have a no preparation meal too.
All of the diet foods and all natural diet pills can usually be found at your local chain grocery store. There are normally good low carb/high protein meal replacement shakes or protein bars there; plus you can use frozen prepared portion controlled diet meals like lean cuisine or healthy choice. You can make it even easier by purchasing the diet foods online too.
The K.I.S.S. Diet Plan works because it is low calorie, yet satisfying. Plus, by eating 6 meals a day your body's metabolism kicks up so you should burn more calories. Add some exercise and you are all set to lose weight fast and easy.
By Michelle Dixon, Copyright 2007. Michelle Dixon writes about many different types of health and fitness subjects. For more information regarding K.I.S.S. Diet Plan please see
Article Source:
Emotional Eating - How to Control Your Eating Choices
Monday, March 19, 2007
What Are The Advantages Of The Medifast Diet?

If you are one of those people who have tried every method of losing weight under the sun, consider the benefits of the MediFast diet, a healthy new diet product on the market that is designed to help you quickly shed pounds the safe and wholesome way. If you are looking at it right now, or have ever considered it, or even if you are looking at some other type of diet to help you with your weight loss needs, consider the three benefits this regimen has when you're trying to lose weight.
The 3 Benefits of the MediFast Diet
1. The MediFast Diet is Convenient
This weight loss program is convenient. You never have to worry about counting up points or checking the labels of your food for their carbohydrate content. And, you don't have to count points, pop pills, or drink tea either. This diet helps you lose weight by doing what you know how to do best - eat! The MediFast diet isn't the type of diet that requires one to sit down to a meal every night.
If you are on the go, it is okay for you to be on the go because MediFast has a variety of things that the diet allows you to choose from, from snack bars, to puddings, and soups. There is no need to have to kill yourself with the temptation that grocery shopping can bring, as the MediFast diet doesn't require you to ever have to set foot in the grocery store.
2. You'll Never Be Hungry Again
MediFast is not one of those programs that cause you to be constantly starving. These diets don't work for people simply because they cause them to work against what feels natural for them. Their body is telling them that it is hungry and needs food to fuel itself, and certain diets have you ignoring this impulse.
You will be happy to know that you can eat not twice, not three times, but five times a day. The diet helps to constantly fuel your body so that it can effectively and efficiently burn calories and fat, helping you to lose weight faster and easier.
3. The MediFast Diet is Healthy
There are a lot of diet options out there for a person to choose from when they are looking at their weight loss options, and the MediFast diet is just one of them. The thing that sets this diet apart from the rest is the fact that it makes you eat and put nutrients into your body rather than depriving your body of the all-important nutrients that are required to help the body operate efficiently and burn fat efficiently.
There are no foreign chemicals that you are ingesting into your body to help the body to burn off fat that you have to worry about being recalled later. The MediFast diet is all about You. It is about real food, safe food that is good for your body and helps to keep you nourished and healthy.
This weight loss program is a great diet option for people who need something different to spur their weight loss. If you are having a hard time losing weight or you have reached a weight loss plateau, consider the benefits of the MediFast Diet for yourself today.
Ken Black is the owner of Weight Loss Discovery, a website all about Healthy Weight Loss Programs, diet supplements, weight loss tips and much more.
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Program Yourself For Fat Loss In A Week!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Fun, Fitness, and Self Defense All Rolled into One
My wife puts up with a lot, and I love her dearly, and I’m always grateful for the utter lapse in judgement she had in marrying me, over the advice of her friends. She’s appreciated that I do martial arts and that I write about it, and that makes us some money, but she’s always kind of regarded getting thrown on a mat, or punched in the ribs as “A guy thing”, if you know what I mean, so she’s never really participated. It took a lot of promising to do the dishes, but I got her to sign up for the dojo’s kickboxing routine as a fitness program.
We’re trying to get students in at different times, and trying to appeal to a wider demographic. As a result, we’ve taken up teaching Thai Kickboxing as a kickboxing and exercise routine for body shaping and cardiovascular workouts. While Muay Thai is an excellent martial art for self defense, it also provides an awesome workout routine, building balance, flexibility, percussive strength and coordination, and it’s an excellent fat burner, especially on the hips and thighs and abdomen. (Yeah, I know, it doesn’t really do targeted weight loss – it causes you to lose weight over your entire body, but builds muscle there – it feels like targeted weight loss!) Since I have a pretty flexible schedule as a writer, I ended up being the teacher for the afternoon classes.
We’ve worked out a kickboxing routine that starts with stances, and stretches – we have all our students run in place for about 5 minutes to get their heart rate up, then have them stretch out. Getting the blood flowing early means that the stretching is more effective. I try to encourage all my students to take the stretching seriously – it should hurt a little bit as they’re doing it…and I tell them a little hurting now will save them a lot of hurting later.
Then we go through the standard forms, with an initial open stance that’s centered and low to the ground for punches, jabs and the front kick. First we have our students do it in front of a mirror, letting them work up a sweat. I walk through the line as they do it, correcting form here and there – even though I don’t expect any of these women to ever use this as a martial art, I expect them to get it right, just in case. The entire dojo starts to build up some energy, with kiais and grunts.
The next part of the workout is to take them one at a time and get them into hitting the bag. This is actually the most difficult part of the process for my students. Karen, my first one up, actually pulls her punch before she hits the bag – even with the pads on. It took me two or three reps to get her to punch with all the power coming from her hips, glutes and midsection at full speed. And about ten more reps for her to actually do it on her own. A lot of people in America are taught “hitting is bad”, and that’s conditioning that has to be overcome, even when working out with a bag. It took me most of the first session to get all the women to hit the bag decently.
The last part of the session is cooling down – stretching and standing in position and letting the muscles unkink, working on the balance they’ll need to do front kicks and roundhouses, which, at my guess, will be in about two weeks. All it all, it seemed like a pretty solid success, and I look forward to seeing my students later this week!
Yoshi G Kundagawa is a freelance journalist. He covers the mixed martial arts industry. For a free report on kickboxing routine visit his blog.
Yoshi Kundagawa is a freelance journalist covering the martial arts world. Too much time at his computer eating donuts reduced him to couch potato status. He's on a quest to recapture his youth and fitness. You can read his blog at
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Drop and Give Me 10! Ways to Lose 10 Lbs.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Turbulence Training: How To Reach Weight Loss Goal

Many people who aim to lose weight fail because they don't know how to reach weight loss goal. There is a certain strategy you need to adopt if you really want to lose weight. In this article, we shall discuss the whole strategy which will help you understand how to reach weight loss goal.
So, how to reach weight loss goal? First off, you need to understand specifically how much weight you want to lose or should lose. Instead of making vague calculations, you can do the following:
1. Use Body Mass Index: Feelings like 'I am overweight' or that 'I want to lose some weight' are very subjective thoughts. You should know what you really aim to do. To get a better feel of how much weight you want to lose, you may want to use the Body Mass Index and know what your BMI is. This will help you set more specific weight loss goals and eventually you will find out that your weight has returned back to normal.
2. Another option is to schedule an appointment with your local physician. Tell him about your problems. Most likely, he is already aware of your medical history and he can tell you specifically how much weight you should lose.
Once you are clear on your aim, it is time to set up a goal and make an action plan. To do this, you can do one of the following:
1. If you haven't been doing it already, you should start maintaining a weight loss diary where you write down your goals, your present height and weight stats and both your short and long term weight loss goals. Your goals should be specific and not vague.
Example of a specific goal: I want to lose xx pounds within the next 6 months
Example of vague goal: I want to lose enough weight within the next 5 months so that I can wear my old trousers.
The first goal is more likely to get you positive results than the second one. Don't you agree?
Along with being specific, your goal also needs to be realistic and achievable. If you set a goal like 'I want to lose 16 pounds within the next week'-well, that is not a very realistic goal. How can you set up a goal like that when research says that you cannot lose more than 1-2 pounds per week regardless of how hard you try? If you setup unrealistic goals you will obviously fail to achieve it and it will make you depressed and frustrated, which are the two reasons for causing obesity in adults. So you should set only realistic goals that you are confident to achieve. If in doubt consult your physician first.
Now that you have setup a goal, it is time to maintain it. How is that possible?
Setup a plan. Planning should include the specific activities you must do each day to lose weight and the amount of time you should allot to each activity. For example, a typical planning for a week can be like this:
1. Take a vow not to eat junk food anymore, as well as reduce the amount of your daily food intake; but don't starve.
2. Set a specific time for doing workouts and exercises.
3. Setup a specific time when you would like to eat or sleep. Ideally, you should devote at least 7-8 hours per day to sleeping.
4. Take an oath not to drive to your office or mall; instead, try to walk these distances. When visiting a shopping mall, try your best to avoid the elevator, and take to the stairs instead!
5. Watch what you eat throughout the day, and the whole week.
6. Count the amount of calories you are taking in each day by noting it down in your weight loss diary. For your information, your total fat or cholesterol intake should not exceed the amount listed in the nutritional facts at the side of every food product.
Now that your weight loss goal is setup, it is time to put it in action. Go and get ready by approaching the steps one by one.
Last but not the least, never be in a hurry. There are pills for sure that claim to help you lose a large amount of weight within a short time; however, these pills are very much harmful for the body, because they not only burn your fat but your muscle as well. Instead, if you choose to lose weight slowly and have patience, you will lose only fat and NO muscle.
If you want to get more specific information about weight loss and workout programs then you can visit my website by clicking the link in my resource box.
Tubulence Training workout program has helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on how to reach weight loss goal workout programs visit:
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Friday, March 16, 2007
Hoodia - The Lazy Way To Lose Weight
Losing weight is the hardest thing to do. If requires so much effort and in the fast pace worked we live in where our time is demanded on so many fronts we often have no time for ourselves. And with the two minutes in the day we do have to ourselves who wants to worry about their weight? It’s a vicious cycle. It’s not that we are so lazy, but we need a lazy way to lose weight because we just don’t have time for anything else.
In the past we have stumbled onto lazy ways to lose weight, but they have ended up backfiring on us, causing all kinds of side effects and health problems. It’s so hard to know what is healthy when you are trying to lose weight. News reports come out every day telling us that something we thought was good for us is not longer healthy. We need to find some healthy natural ways to lose weight quickly and easily.
There are so many products out there that claim to be able to help you lose weight. Products that speed up your metabolism, products that curb your appetite. How do you know which ones really work? How do you know which ones are just trying to take your money and leave you with nothing in return? One of the newest natural weight loss remedies comes in the form of a plant called hoodia.
A group from 60 Minutes researched a natural plant extract from the cactus plant hoodia that comes from South America. They actually sent a team over there to try it for themselves. One of the reporters said that after trying the product made from the plant she felt no hunger for the rest of the day. Now that sounds like something that could qualify as a lazy way to lose weight.
Hoodia is an all natural plant grown now for its ability to send signals to the brain that tell the body it is not hungry, in fact it is able to make the brain almost forget about eating al together for periods of time. So far research has shown that there are no side effects except rapid weight loss. This new all natural weight loss remedy is taking the nation by storm.
Hoodia is being made into all kinds of products designed to target those who have 20 pounds or more to lose. Weight loss companies are putting it in to powders, liquids, pills. People are paying loads of money for this new product.
However, there are some companies that are ripping people off. Since the product is all the rage and in demand, it can be expensive to purchase. You need to be careful about the products you choose. Find a company that offers a money-back guarantee with their product or in some cases even a free sample.
Author Sara Bilden writes on a variety of topics. To learn more about this topic Sara recommends you visit: Lazy Weight Loss Review
Article Source:
Is Hoodia Gordonii Harmful to Your Health?
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Natural Weight Loss Options - Which Natural Weight Loss Option Is Right For You?
A major health concern of people today is obesity. Two thirds of Americans are overweight and 15% off teenagers are as well. Obesity is a huge risk factor for life-threatening health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney problems, cardiovascular issues, stroke, cancer and gallstones.
People are turning to natural weight loss supplements to help them maintain a weight loss regimen to achieve a normal body mass index. Your body mass index is a number that measures your height to weight and gives you a range of numbers in which ‘normal’ falls.
When starting a new program be sure to consult a doctor and be aware of any side effects as well as interactions with any other medication you may be taking or medical conditions you may have.
Natural weight loss includes the use of herbal supplements to raise the body’s metabolism, suppress the appetite and to add to the overall feeling of well-being.
People have been looking for a way to naturally lose weight for hundreds of years. But just because the word natural or herbal is included doesn’t guarantee the safety of the product.
When the media began focusing on dietary health and healthier lifestyle manufacturers began to add ‘all natural’ and ‘all herbal’ to their packaging. However those terms must meet FDA standards when they are used to label foods and medications. In other words a specific amount of the product must be all natural or herbal.
Some herbal supplements used for weight loss are Aloe Vera which improves digestion by cleaning the digestive tract; Astralgus which provides a boost of energy and satisfies the cravings for sweets; Bee Pollen that stimulates metabolism and satisfies the urges for sweets; kelp that boosts metabolism and licorice that reduces the craving for sweets and regulates blood sugar.
Herbal supplements are usually cost effective and prescription medications are more expensive. There seems to be lower number of side effects to using natural weight loss supplements and they are a healthier alternative to prescription medications. However, natural weight loss supplements have not all undergone intense scientific scrutiny for side effects during long-term use. Do your research on the particular product and ingredients before you chose to take a natural weight loss supplement.
Ephedra is an example of a natural weight loss supplement that was widely used and sold with excellent results before studies showed that the side effects of using Ephedra included cardiac problems and death.
The effectiveness of natural weight loss supplements is usually subjective and be vastly different from consumer to consumer. These difference can be attributed to genetic differences in people and the variations in the ingredients. The manufacture of natural weight loss supplements is not regulated. The plants are harvested under varying conditions, the timing of the harvest can affect the active ingredient, the processing and the exposure to air and light can also affect the efficacy of the natural weight loss supplement.
Like using prescriptions there are drawbacks and strong points to using natural weight loss supplements. These are specific to the product you chose. Remember that there are many ways to loose weight but they all amount to the same thing: burn more calories than you eat; eating less or burning more or a combination of both.
Choices in the weight loss industry are phenomenal. Natural weight loss supplements are only one choice. But, depending upon the product and the manufacturer they can very well be the best choice.
Vanessa Youngstrom, a nurse practitioner, enjoys writing and educating on health and wellness topics. You’ll find more articles at
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Stretch Yourself Thin - Not Spread
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
A Detailed Guide To Making A Homemade Diet Pill
Most people don’t take the time to research what ingredients they are putting in their bodies by taking a diet pill. My advice to anyone considering a diet pill is to “READ THE LABEL!!!” Time and time again, I hear from clients who have had adverse effects because of an allergy or sensitivity to the ingredients in the diet supplement. Lucky for you, I do read the labels and I have been researching the ingredients in diet pills for years.
The purpose of this article is simple- It’s a guide that will help you make your own diet pill. I would like to say, however, that as with anything that you put in your body, precautions should be taken. Please consult with you doctor before taking any medication, vitamin, or supplement. This article should not be taken as medical advice and does not, in any way, substitute for the opinion of a medical profession including your doctor.
When you take a very close look at the ingredients in most diet pills you will see that the individual ingredients are very common vitamin supplements. Diet pills costing $50 or more a bottle can be made at home for a fraction of the price.
Let’s get down to business and discuss what these ingredients are because they are exactly what you will need to begin making your own diet pill. Let’s take, for example the very popular, Leptoprin, often sold online for over $150.00 per bottle.
Here is a list of ingredients as printed on a bottle of Leptoprin:
Calcium – Makes weight loss more efficient by breaking down fat in cells.
Vitamin B6 – Helps maintain blood sugar.
Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin) – Prolongs thermogenic (fat burning) effects and increases metabolism.
Caffeine – Increases thermogenesis and triggers adrenaline flow.
Green Tea – Increases fat oxidation and raises metabolism.
L-Tyrosine – Raises the metabolic rate.
Kelp – Metabolizes excess fat.
Ephedrine – A Stimulant and Appetite Suppressant.
Cayenne – Contains ‘capsaicin’ which is considered a thermogenic substance.
THAT’S IT! Here’s the actual Label if you don’t believe me. Now you’re saying, wait, “I’ve seen most of those ingredients at the vitamin / grocery store. You’re right; you can get these ingredients in just about any pharmacy or vitamin store.
I should make it clear that I am not advising you to go out and buy all of these ingredients, nor am I telling you to take these pills all together. I’m suggesting that with regular exercise, a balanced diet, and vitamins as a supplement it is possible to lose weight without spending unnecessary money on diet pills
Mike West is a studying dietician and fitness professional. For more information, contact Diet Pills Reviews
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Free Information on the South Beach Diet - Facts You Should Know
By David Walker
Today's society is obsessed with looks, with physical appearance. "Beauty" far from being "in the eye of the beholder" seems to be splashed on every magazine, television screen and poster setting – for women especially – impossible standards to live up to. We are taught that the world's perception of you matters, and women aspire to being the kind of beautiful that seems impossible to reach.
This world renowned plan, promises a chance of achieving that standard, of fulfilling the dream many of today's women have. The founder, cardiologist Dr. Agatston knows what he's talking about – this isn't a starvation plan, it's a lifestyle change that can change the way you look, improve your health and still enable you to eat delicious, nutritious food.
To help participants understand the diet better, here's a few of the facts:
1. The first two weeks are an initial stage which heavily limits the number of carbohydrate products consumed. After this comes the lifetime diet, to change the way you eat every day.
2. Undesirable fats and sugars are frowned upon, but plenty of healthier alternatives are suggested.
3. This diet is not typically “low” anything – it is not a deprivation diet. It is balanced and healthy, unlike fad diets.
4. One of the best things about this plan is allowing people to snack for the whole day to remove their hunger while maintaining their metabolism. The portion sizes of the meals are substantial enough to make you feel full.
5. This plan claims to lower the risk of developing diabetes by limiting refined carbohydrates and replacing them with complex carbohydrates and fiber.
6. The main drawback of this plan is the initial stage that spans the first two weeks. During this stage, many food products are limited, including some carbohydrates and dairy products.
7. In the weeks following the initial stages, the diet focuses on crave-controlling, and helping you to get rid of your food cravings. This is so you can re-introduce foods you may like, but may not be healthy, in moderation.
8. The initial stage unbalances the levels of nutrition in the body. It is likely that the weight lost at the beginning of this diet is lost through water-loss. Because of this, you may feel dehydrated.
9. Although the initial stage is essential, it can be extremely challenging. A lot of participants may be unable to complete this stage, and thus strength of will is required.
10. Like all diets, this plan requires a strong will and a lot of dedicated to be successful.
11. Participants should be aware that weight levels often fluctuate within the first few stages on this eating plan. Also, it may be unsuitable for coeliacs.
Dr. Agatston's goal for improving the heart through the South Beach diet is good. But a careful review on the advantages and disadvantages is always advised.
Did you know you could lose 13 pounds in just two weeks on the South Beach Diet program? For more South Beach Diet facts and South Beach Diet recipe samples please visit the website.
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Monday, March 12, 2007
Is Alternative Weight Loss Medicine The Way To Go?
Throughout our society obesity and issues dealing with our weight has become an ongoing problem. With fast food restaurants on every corner of the street and television and video games taking away from exercise, our society is becoming increasingly lazy. You probably have tried hundreds of methods to control your weight, but have you considered taking alternative weight loss medicine?
There are a number of different weight loss programs on the market that consist of you taking pills or shakes that contain various ingredients. While some can be effective, the safer route to go is getting on alternative weight loss medicine. It is more natural and will ultimately save you money over time.
The biggest advantage to losing weight with alternative medicine is that your body heals itself instead of healing through strong drugs. When you take strong drugs, regardless of what it is for, there is always the risk of becoming addicted to the drugs. There are also several side effects that can be assessed when taking a prescription drug. With alternative medicine, it comes more natural and is less addictive.
This is not to say that there are no risks when taking alternative weight loss medicine. Complimentary medicine still has several critics because of the fact that many professional doctors do not accept it. However, more and more doctors are becoming educated on alternative medicine making it more of a mainstream type of prescription.
Another benefit to using alternative medicine to lose weight is that it can have a positive effect on other areas of your life. For example, if you opt to meditate to lose weight, this will also help you relax and reduce stress. By reducing your stress level you will be more inclined to exercise, which will help you lose weight.
Also by feeling more relaxed you will be full of energy and feel more energized throughout your day. If you get on a precise dietary plan, you may become agitated and struggle with sticking to a direct guideline. In turn, alternative weight loss medicine is natural and creates a healthier lifestyle without putting you through a vigorous schedule or diet plan.
In basic terms, an alternative medicine is something that has been rejected or neglected by physicians. Because of this, it is vital that you are careful with what you take. Make sure to do a lot of research and talk to a physician prior to taking any alternative weight loss medicine. If your physician does not recommend it, get a second opinion just in case your physician is opposed to alternative medicine.
There are several benefits to losing weight with alternative medicine. It can be cheaper, it allows your body to heal itself and you have less of a chance of becoming addicted to it. As long as you are careful and do the necessary research, taking alternative weight loss medicine can be extremely beneficial.
Sydney Krause runs a successful mail order business. She also promotes various products through direct mail and the internet. Get more information about losing weight with alternative medicine at
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Sunday, March 11, 2007
Wild Suppositions About Losing Weight With Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis, thanks to television and movies, the very word conjures up the depiction of a beady-eyed hypnotist swinging his pocket watch repeating the words, "You are getting sleepy."
Do an msn search, and you will find hundreds of thousands of web pages focused on the subject. Unfortunately, many websites that sell self-hypnosis CD’s make wild, unsubstantiated claims. I’ve been a hypnotherapist since 1978. So I think that I'm heavier than qualified to set the record straight on weight loss hypnosis.
First of all, hypnosis is a tool, just like a scalpel is a tool. Just as varying surgeons have diversified skill levels in the use of a scalpel, diversified hypnotists have diversified skill levels in the use of hypnotism. And to complicate the matter, there are many novel methodologies of self-hypnosis.
Here are a couple of the silly suppositions that I’ve seen on websites, along with the truth of the matter:
Hypnosis will speed up your metabolism. If you want to know the truth, the fact of the matter is that hypnosis won't directly speed up your metabolism. But it can be very feasible at helping to program your unconscious with increased motivation to exercise, and that exercise will increase your metabolism. Similarly, hypnotic sleep to speed up the metabolism for quick weight loss can be effected by programming the unconscious to motivate the intake of increased amounts of protein, because that intake will step up your metabolism.
Hypnotism will make you lose some weight. This is false. But hypnotism can be used to help cast out your appetite, so that you eat less, and eating less can help you to become thinner.
Two subconscious programs cause the average person’s cravings and urges: A. When you pair eating with any other behavior, the other behavior will trigger cravings for food and a strong desire to eat. This is called a conditioned response. For example, if you eat when you watch a movie, you will automatically get an urge to eat each time you go to the movies.
B. When you feel tense, you feel a strong urge to put food into your mouth for relaxation. This you feel compelled to put something into your mouth for relaxation and pleasure. This is because of programming that you received as a baby. When you got bitchy, your mother or father put a bottle in your mouth. You got distracted, relaxed, and probably fell asleep. Now when you get cranky (anxious or tense), you feel compelled to put something into your mouth for relaxation and pleasure.
C. There is a third unconscious program that is present for some people. It's called emotional eating. Emotional eating takes place when a person is motivated to make him or herself fat, because by being fat they will protect themselves in some way.
For example, if an individual got their heart broken in a relationship, their unconscious will force them into an action that would prevent them from getting their heart broken again. Example: They are motivated to become overweight to keep them out of new relationships, because that will cut out the possibility of another broken heart.
D. I have written several articles on emotional eating that are available on my website.
There are some effective ways to use posthypnotic suggestion to eliminate emotional eating.
There are some effective and powerful ways to use hypnotic suggestion to overcome emotional eating. So just how can weight loss posthypnotic suggestion fix the above problems? Let's cover them one at a time.
In paragraph "A" above: Conditioned responses can be "extinguished" immediately using a process that I call the "Flash." The flash trains the unconscious mind to setup new responses. In the above example, the subject had unconsciously banded together the depiction of food in the hand, with the TV. Each time he / she sat down to watch the TV, the unconscious mind filled in the missing part of the visualization: It "Flashed" the picture of the food in the hand, and the subject felt a compulsion, and an craving to eat.
The Flash is a methodology that helps us program the subconscious to use the picture of the TV as a trigger for an visualization of the self-watching TV without eating. When we lose the picture of the food, we lose the cravings.
When we momentarily disassociate (see ourselves from the point of view that a subject else would), we are not able to feel our feelings (cravings and urges).
When we see ourselves in a behavior (watching TV without eating), we feel an urge to engage in that behavior. So the subject loses the cravings, and actually gets a urge to reject food.
In paragraph "B" above: The subject is eating and drinking for relaxation and pleasure. We teach the subject self-hypnosis for weight loss, because the very essence of the hypnotic state is deep relaxation.
And we utilize the "Flash" to program the subconscious to use the thoughts that are triggering feelings of stressfulness and aggravation, as triggers for secondary mental images that will trigger feelings of relaxation. When the subject feels more relaxed overall, oral urges are greatly diminished.
In paragraph "C" above: We discussed emotional eating which makes the person overweight. The "behavior" of being overweight then provides some sort of emotional protection. So we use a technique called an NLP reframe, which programs the unconscious to take the responsibility for making the subject automatically substitute some other more acceptable behavior that will provide the same emotional protection, in place of being overweight. And that reframe will clear out the craving to eat for emotional purposes.
Self-hypnosis for weight loss can be a very effective method. I can only uncover the tip of the iceberg in this short story. Please see my website for more comprehensive articles and information.
Alan B. Densky, CH established his professional hypnosis practice in Feb. 1978. He is the developer of the Neuro-VISION Stop smoking & weight control video hypnosis, that garnered a US Patent because of its effectiveness.
Visit and download Free hypnosis relaxation mp3's, or sign up for the hypnosis newsletters.
© 2007 By Alan B. Densky, CH. This article may be copied for use on other websites as long as the author’s bio and all clickable links are left intact.
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Saturday, March 10, 2007
Boost Your Metabolism: Lose Weight - Get More Energy - And Feel Great
By Julia Denham
Many dieters give up dieting because they get too tired. It's impossible to deal with all the demands on your life if you're exhausted all the time. The major reason you're exhausted is because your metabolism has slowed, because you're not taking in sufficient calories. One of the secrets to losing weight - and keeping it off forever - is to eat with your metabolism in mind. You can boost your metabolism very easily. Then not only will you lose weight, but you'll have loads of energy and you'll feel great.
What's Your Metabolism? Why Does It Matter?
Your metabolism is the rate at which your body turns calories into usable energy - the calories from food you eat, and from the stored fat in your body. Most dieters don't realize that they need to EAT to burn their fat reserves. Your body will turn into a hoarder if you're not eating enough to burn fat.
How To Boost Your Metabolism Fast
To boost your metabolism, it's essential that you eat more than 1000 calories a day. If you eat less, hoping that you'll lose weight faster, your body won't let you. It will go into starvation mode, hoarding each calorie. This is one of the major reasons that dieters plateau - and some dieters even put on weight on a diet.
So eat more - over 1000 calories. Start your day by eating breakfast. This starts your metabolism for the day.
Walk - And Lift Weights For a 24-Hour Metabolism Boost
Did you know that if you go for a 20-minute walk, it will boost your metabolism for 24 hours? You should also lift some weights to increase your muscle-mass, because your muscles burn calories. There's no need to go to the gym and become a bodybuilder. Just get some small weights, and lift them while you watch TV.
So there you have it - easy ways to boost your metabolism: eat, get some exercise, and lift weights. You'll be amazed that just a single day of eating a little more, and moving around more, will help you to lose weight, feel great, and have much more energy.
Make your metabolism roar - Top Metabolism at gives you all the information you need to boost your metabolism, lose weight, and gain energy. For additional weight loss info, visit 30 Day Slimmer at
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Friday, March 9, 2007
How Do I Get Rid Of Belly Fat?
By Dean Iggo
One of the most common questions fitness professionals are asked these days is “How do I get rid of belly fat?” You may have seen the commercials on tv, claiming to be able to get rid of stubborn belly fat with a miracle diet pill. In all actuality, this diet pill alone is not enough to tone your midsection and lose that fat.
If you are one of the people asking “How do I get rid of belly fat,” you must start with a healthy diet, and you really need to exercise. So many people now days are concerned with their health and weight, but do not have “time” to make it to the gym everyday. There are a number of exercises that you can do from the comfort of your own home, without taking hours out of your day. When you combine a healthy diet and exercise, and do so faithfully, you will have no choice but to lose weight.
Remember though that muscle weighs more than fat. Your clothes will start to fit looser, but you may not see any decrease in the scales. This does not mean that you are not losing weight, it just means that you are toning your muscles and losing fat. Don’t get discouraged. It will work, but it is going to take time and a lot of dedication. Keep these tips in mind in your search for an answer to your “belly fat problem.
- Yoga is a great way to burn calories and de-stress your body. Stress is the number one cause of belly fat (so says the commercial), so in order to quit gaining fat, you must reduce stress. Meditation before and after an exercise session is an excellent way to do this. After you have sufficiently stretched and relaxed with yoga, you need to move on to more aerobically minded exercises. These are designed to get your heart rate going, and burn more fat.
- Dancing, Kickboxing and Tae Bo are some of the most effective Aerobic or Cardio exercises you can find. Plus they are fun to do. You could dance and hop for hours not realizing that you are doing a lot of good for your body.
- Running is also a great way to burn calories. If you are not up for running, you may try speed walking. This has been proven to be just as effective as running but without the harsh impact on your body.
If you keep to a steady routine of exercise and a healthy diet, you are bound to get rid of any belly fat that you may have accumulated, not to mention fat from other parts of the body.
Personal trainer and exercise specialist finally discovers the secret to quickly and easily scuplt a strong, sexy 6-pack. Get your FREE report "How To Get Maximum Weight Loss and Fitness Results In Record Time" and more than 5 bonus weight loss books at my website
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Thursday, March 8, 2007
Healthy Eating With Tasty Foods and Still Lose Weight
It seems as if people do not eat healthy foods because they feel it will not taste as good as regular foods. However, if your health food doesn't taste good, you're eating the wrong health food. Just because something is good for you doesn't mean it has to taste bland. Nor does the food you consume have to be boring either. There are plenty of ideas out there for eating healthy without making sacrifices on taste Here are just a few of them.
New alternatives to eating healthy foods: While the health food market has changed in recent years, many new products and healthy alternatives are now available. Next time you're at a health food store, look around at all the different options. There are healthier versions of previously unhealthy foods. Try them; you might be pleasantly surprised with the taste.
Prepare your own food: While it is easy to buy frozen foods and use the microwave to fix dinner, the problem is that convenient isn't necessarily healthy, and the foods that are marketed as such usually do not taste so great. Preparing your own food allows you to not only eat healthier, but to maintain and control the flavor as well. If time is not on your side to prepare home cooked meals, you can use a Saturday to cook several meals for the following week. In this way, you will have an entire prepared; all you have to do is take it out the night before, place it in the refrigerator and prepare it when you get home. More importantly, you will have a meal deplete of blandness and questionable texture. Spice up your cooking: Good food doesn't have to be bland. Add different herbs and spices like Rachel Ray does with her meals. A great way to add taste without adding a lot of fat or calories is to add more spices. Check out the Food TV site and click on Rachel Ray's prepared meals. The spices she uses may be sitting in your cabinet. The meals she prepares are always changed by using a different array of spices. Give it a try!
Fruit can be just as sweet: Fruit is a great way to get your fix without binging on candy and chocolate. Instead of your normal afternoon snack, try an apple or fruit of your choice which you can easily toss in your purse. At dinner, add fruit as a dessert, side dish, or even put some into the main course. Fruit gives you lots of vitamins and minerals and it satisfies your need for sweets. Another great idea is to juice various vegetables and then add fruit to flavor. You'll be getting the added benefit of vegetables with the taste of fruit juice. It's quite delicious!
Dieting and foods are not synonymous with bad tastes. You can prepare food which is not only good and tastes great, but with a little ingenuity and a few recipes; you can enrich your diet regimen and ultimately lose weight at the same time.
For more information read about "The Weight Loss Cure Book" by Kevin Trudeau.
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Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Hydroxycut Warning Side Effects Of Hydroxycut Hardcore
By John Eddings
Hydroxycut Hardcore is one of the best selling diet supplements on the market today with years of study, development and testing. That being said what are the side effects of this popular diet supplement. Nowadays there is nothing on the market that does not have any side effects but you have to way the good and bad you be the judge weather or not it is worth it.
Increase in blood pressure,increase heart rate, the main reason for this is caffeine so if you have a harmful reaction to caffeine products then this might not be for you. On a side note this is a product which you Do Not want to take any caffeinated products while taking hydroxycut.
Headaches light handedness and dizziness are associated with hydroxycut also when ever you are taking a supplement there these are very common because the ingredients ie:caffeine green tea to name the most common ingredients.
Loss of appetite in most cases this is not a side effect it is an advantage to taking hydroxy cut hardcore.
Feel restless and hyperactive again this in large due to the fact of the caffeine and green tea the other ingredients "which are synthetic" are designed to increase the effect of caffeine and green tea.
As in any diet supplement you have to read and follow the directions. So if you can handle these side effects and they do not bother you then it might be for you. The increase in blood pressure,heart rate and headaches are slight and if you drink a couple espressos you can get the same side effects Also its a good idea to consult your doctor before you attempt any type of supplement.
The author is an avid body builder in his spare time and is always wanting to share information on products he has used or have knowledge about. If you want to lose weight, or get more out of your workouts go here and read more on Hydroxycut Hardcore Review
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Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Lose Weight With Clinical Trialed Diet Pills
Clinical trial is the only objective indicator that a certain diet pill or appetite suppressant is in fact effective. From scientific point of view a specific weight loss product really “works” only if it passed extensive scientific test.
There are several expressions for clinical trial: clinical test, clinical study. They all mean the same. A specific diet drug, food supplement or appetite suppressant that passed clinical trial is proven to have measurable effect on human body. Such drug actually works. If we come back to diet pills and appetite suppressant, an average person seeking for weight loss products easily comes across this statement: “diet pill that really works”. Those should be considered with healthy dosage of skepticism. One should seek for clinical trial of the product he intends to purchase.
The first conclusion one could make is, that if a diet pill or appetite suppressant has clinical trial, that product must be good. Actually it is not that easy. There are all sorts of clinical trials out there. Not each kind of trial can be trusted. But there are some basic principles one should consider when looking at clinical trial. Firstly, the medical institutions involved (at least two independent institutions) in a trial should be from countries that you can trust. USA or EU standards of conducting a clinical study are different than for example in India. Secondly, one should look at the size of the group involved in the trial. Test groups of 200 people or less are rarely considered as “scientific approach”. Thirdly, one should make sure that the clinical trial concerned, has been executed on humans. If a specific weight loss pill or appetite suppressant made a rat loose 20 grams in a day, there is no objective way to transfer those results on human body.
Regardless the fact that clinical trial makes it easy to categorize diet pills and appetite suppressants according to effectiveness, one should know that clinical trials are not compulsory for all dietary products. Only prescription drugs must have those in order to be eligible for selling in US and EU. Food nutrition supplements, among them no prescription diet pills and over the counter appetite suppressants, do not have to pass clinical trials. Regardless to that, most sophisticated “over the counter” diet products have clinical trials. Clinical trials are becoming a “must have” quality statement, which helps serious drug producers gain respect on the market.
Brenda is an online editor to site
She has committed to provide users with complete on health related topics specialized on appetite suppressants and diet pills.
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Monday, March 5, 2007
Is There a Magic Formula To Weight Loss?

Is there a magic formula to weight loss? I guess you are all expecting me to say "no" but I am going to say the exact opposite! There is a magic formula but before I give it, let me talk about a few other things.
Many people want to lose weight fast. This is often precipitated by an upcoming important event (wedding, anniversary, Christmas) or but a realisation that the body is not as lean as it should be. Perhaps you have come into ill health and now want to stem the tide of disease and morbidity.
Losing weight fast is a good thing but to achieve it is hard. The body has put on those extra pounds over a period of several years and it cannot shed them too quickly. And what happens when the weight does not come off as quickly as you would hope?
Yes - you STOP your diet and exercise!
As I said, it is hard.
Real and sustained weight loss starts not with a pill or a promise but with motivation. This motivation is what gets you up in the mornings to start your workout and what keeps you from the temptations of excess calories. In an ideal world, this motivation would also lead you to smoke less cigarettes (if you are, indeed, a smoker) and to drink less alcohol.
It is a matter of self-preservation. The rewards are there and they are free - you only have to choose them. BUT you do need to be motivated and committed or else you will fail in your task.
So is there a magic formula? Hell yes, and here it is:
motivation and commitment = sustained and permanent weight loss
Visit us the weight loss page or free content resource. Article Source: | ![]() |
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Hypnosis and Weight Loss

The problem with talking about hypnosis and weight loss, or hypnosis and many other things for that matter is that there often are few, if any, studies on whose results you can hang your hat. In this world where it seems everything is studied from every different angle, it seems that the final conclusion is that hypnosis can help you lose weight...or not.
There are plenty of claims of success by the myriad of hypnotherapists of all kinds who have put up websites and gone into the "Hypnosis can cure..." business.
Actually, the problem is not even whether or not hypnosis can or cannot be a tool in a healthy weight loss program. That much, at least, is pretty well agreed upon. The question seems to be how to use it and how much effect it actually has on an individual's weight loss.
That brings us to another factor. We are dealing with individuals, and individuals tend to react differently to the efforts of hypnotherapists in ANY attempt to produce a viable effect.
Most claims found for hypnotherapists on the internet, whether they are claiming that hypnosis is effective for weight loss or not (and most are) is that they ARE successful. Like many other things that can be effective and valuable in weight loss, or almost any other endeavor, the unknown fact is what does "effective" mean to these people and can they define "effective" in terms of so many successful outcomes in so many total attempts. This is the problem. There are no numbers, at least none that I could find.
However, many studies DO exist that show that hypnosis CAN be combined with other standard weight loss efforts to produce a better outcome. For example, it has long been known that changing eating habits and attitudes towards food can help with weight loss. It has been found that hypnosis, combined with behavior modification, tends to meet with greater success than behavior modification or attitude alteration alone. It seems that the hypnosis does what it often does relaxes the subject, allows them to focus and concentrate, and helps them learn their lessons, if you will, more quickly and efficiently.
Bottom line? Hypnosis alone is not very likely to produce profound effects on weight loss. This is particularly true in light of many hypnotherapists' claims that "only one session" will cause a massive, immediate, and continuous weight loss. If anything, for most people, hypnosis is simply one more weapon in an arsenal of weapons in the war against obesity. As always the main weapons will be regular physical activity and sensible eating habits.
Donovan Baldwin is a Texas writer and a University of West Florida alumnus. He is a member of Mensa and is retired from the U. S. Army after 21 years of service. In his career, he has held many managerial and supervisory positions. However, his main pleasures have long been writing, nature, health, and fitness. In the last few years, he has been able to combine these pleasures by writing poetry and articles on subjects such as health, fitness, the environment, happiness, self improvement, and weight loss. He occasionally blogs on subjects related to health at and has a web page at where he offers mini-reviews of, and links to, various weight loss products.
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Optimizing Your Diet to Lose Abdominal Fat

Diet and exercise go hand in hand to aid in weight loss. In order to maximize your chances of developing those killer abdominals you desire, altering your diet is a necessary step.
It is important to remember that weight loss is not instantaneous, nor is it an overly fast process. Healthy weight loss is important, so be sure to do it properly, by adopting a healthy diet as opposed to using dangerous measures such as weight loss pills and fad diets. Ensure you do not adopt these measures as they can be dangerous and will usually result in a person losing significant amounts of lean body mass and muscle.
The following steps will aid you in developing an optimal diet:
1) Limit the energy in your diet: In order to lose weight, we must expend more energy than we are putting into our bodies. To do this is simply a mater of eliminating sources of excess energy (such as foods high in fat and sugar) and ensuring we are not eating portion sizes that are too large. It may help you to write down the foods hat you eat over a few days, to give you and idea of how much you are eating and possible foods that could be eliminated from your diet.
2) Eat small meals regularly: Eating smaller amounts more frequently during the day will aid keeping your metabolism steady, and in many cases will aped it up. Speeding your metabolism up will aid your body in utilizing energy at a faster rate- thus reducing the storage of fat.
3) Eat breakfast: Many people make the mistake of skipping breakfast, this commonly results in a sluggish metabolism and decreased energy stores until you eat next. In the case of many people, this is lunch time. To compensate for skipping breakfast they may eat a very large lunch, which will result in further slowing the metabolism and making the individual feel drowsy and sluggish. DO not think there s not time for breakfast- there is. Whether you have to get out of bed ten minutes earlier or opt for a quick and easy breakfast option such as cereal or a breakfast bar; breakfast is essential in controlling your metabolism.
4) Drink water: In order to optimize your diet and lose weight it is essential to drink sufficient amount of water each day. Most people drink insufficient amounts of water in a day. This has the negative effect of making the person feel as if they are hungry, resulting in them eating unnecessarily. This introduces extra energy into the body which is consequently stored as fat. Ensure you drink plenty of water to avoid unnecessary energy intake.
5) Replace unhealthy foods with healthy foods: This process is quite simple; there are a few rules to follow to ensure your diet contains sufficient healthy foods in place of unhealthy foods:
a) Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, breads and cereals. Sticking to the basics will ensure you eat sufficient healthy food for normal functions, and will ensure you limit any fats in your diet.
b) Select lean meat: Replace any fatty cuts of meats with lean cuts. Ensure you remove all visible fat or remove the skin form chicken. Avoid sausages, salami, devon and other processed meats as these tend to be very high in fat.
c) Select skim/trim/reduced fat dairy: Dairy products are high in fat and thus high in energy. Consuming full cream dairy products will only result in unnecessary energy being introduced into the diet. Opting for skim, trim or reduced fat milks, cheeses and yoghurts will ultimately result in a decrease in overall energy in the diet, thus making weight loss easier.
d) Avoid or limit takeaway foods: Take-away foods tend to be extremely high in fat and thus energy; this is generally due to cooking methods (most are deep fried). Try not to have take-away more than once per week.
e) Minimize snack foods: Many people consume excess energy through frequent snacking on unhealthy foods. Snack foods that are high in sugar and fat, such as lollies, chips, chocolates, soft drinks etc. should be avoided or replaced with healthy alternatives.
6) Ensure sufficient fiber in the diet: Fiber will aid in keeping sufficient amounts of water in the intestines to optimize the digestive processes to maintain a healthy bowel.
7) Limit alcohol intake: alcohol is high in energy and excessive consumption will inevitably result in the production of fat in the body. To prevent this form occurring, ensure you limit the amount of alcohol you drink.
It may help you to plan your meals in advance. This can be done by searching cook books or online for healthy recipes and making a list of the ingredients you will need. Be sure to have a variety of different foods in your diet, and remember to ensure you are not overeating by consuming large sized meals.
When reducing the number of calories in their diet, many people find it hard to overcome the resulting hunger. If you find your are constantly feeling hungry, try consuming some diet soft drink, diet cordial or diet jelly, as these will help to ease the feeling of hunger without adding calories to the diet.
Be sure to combine diet with healthy eating to ensure optimal weight loss occurs.
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Friday, March 2, 2007
Natural Weight Loss - Eat Right - Keep Moving
By Andrew Gee
The following article is one of a series of articles which focus on Self Improvement, Motivation and Empowerment. It is based on research done over twenty years as a personal and business coach. This self improvement article was written in response to questions which have been asked on losing weight and long term weight loss as well as address common challenges that people have with this subject. I sincerely hope that you find the following information of value.
Natural Weight Loss - Eat Right, Keep Moving
You just have read all that you need to know about how to prevent being overweight. That simple set of instructions should be easy to follow, but not for 35% of Americans who are unable to prevent being overweight.
Of course, once we are overweight, we usually want to trim down for a whole lot of reasons, some related to health, others having to do with looks.
In addition, it is never too late to lose weight. But the fact is, it is a whole lot easier to prevent putting on pounds than to try losing them later on. And if there is one thing we all know, it is that weight gain is likely to happen if we do not take forward-looking steps to stop it.
Health experts say that most people who are into losing weight usually stray. They tend to go back to their old eating habits even after they learn to enjoy low-fat eating. They tend to return to sedentary ways even though they enjoy exercising.
But despite the momentum toward weight gain, you can stop it from happening, experts say. And there are plenty of good reasons to avoid excess pounds, reasons that go beyond vanity or social acceptance.
In fact, some health experts contend that the significance of excess weight is more than cosmetic. They say that it takes a huge toll on people's physical health.
The Way to Losing Weight...Naturally
The nuts and bolts of eating right maintaining a healthy weight is not all that complicated. In fact, it is a good bet that most people know pretty well what is best. Hence, losing weight the natural way should not be a problem at all.
Consequently, a reasonable approach for losing weight naturally is to stick to a diet that is high in complex carbohydrates, high in fiber, moderate in protein, and low in fat.
A complex carbohydrate is a baked potato. Fat is the sour cream and butter you should not put on it. Fiber is vegetables. Fat is the oil you should not fry them in. Protein is a lean cut of meat. Fat is the gravy you should not pour over it.
When it comes to the subject of self improvement, I fully understand (through my own experiences) that it is a lot easier said than done. However, you are here, right now, because you have a desire to improve your self or you are at least interested in this subject. Perhaps you are reading this to help a friend or colleague - great. If this article helps you or you help a friend, paying it forward is what lif'e all about so we all win.
======END SIDEBAR======
Moreover, health experts say that dietary fat promotes weight gain because it is a very dense source of calories. Also, when you consume excess calories from dietary fat, you store those calories as body fat more efficiently than excess calories from other sources.
On the other hand, it can also help you lose weight naturally if you will not fall into the so-called "fat-free" trap. Manufacturers keep coming out with low-fat or fat-free versions of their best-selling foods, but Americans keep getting fatter anyway.
One of the greatest delusions of the 1990s is that "no fat" means "non-fattening." The truth is, you are often getting just as many calories from the no-fat version, even if the calories are not coming from fat.
The term fat-free can be a trap if you start to believe that you can eat any amount of the foods that are advertised that way.
What's more, it is best to respond to hunger with healthy snacks. Health experts say it would be better to try eating every three to four hours, which may mean a nutritious low-fat snack between lunch and dinner.
When you feel the urge for food coming on, snacking on something healthy such as a slice of whole-grain toasted bread is a better alternative. Never skip a meal and eat snacks instead because that is the worst thing you can do if you are trying to control your eating habits and weight.
Remember, if you want to lose weight naturally, you have to keep track of every food you eat and of every activity that you do. When you say natural weight loss means that you do not have to use some accessories or helpful aids just to lose weight.
Losing weight naturally is a process and not a fad. Hence, it would take a lot of dogged determination, self-control, and discipline just to achieve your ideal weight.
NOW is the time!
O.K. you have read the article. Now is the time for action. Without action, this article adds no value whatsoever to your self improvement. But remember, without action, you cannot blame this self improvement article or any article for that matter. So, take action NOW.
Even if only one piece of advice, one piece of information, one tip makes a difference, then the whole article has been worth it for all of us. NOW is the time!
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Atkins Diet Menu Plan And Weight Loss
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Weight Loss Comparative Diets and Cardiovascular Risk Factor Reduction
Many dietary methods can lead to weight loss, however; a recent study found that a high carbohydrate low glycemic index diet may be the ideal diet for weight loss and reduction of cardiovascular risk factors.
There was a recent study that compared the relative effects of several diets on weight loss and cardiovascular risk. A total of 129 obese or overweight young adults were assigned 1 of 4 reduced fat, high fiber diets for 12 weeks.
The first two groups, diets group 1 and diet group 2 was on a high carbohydrate (55% of total calories), diet. Diet group 1 carbohydrates being high-glycemic and diet group 2 was the low-glycemic diet. The next two groups, were high in protein (25% of total calories), with diet group 3 containing high glycemic index for carbohydrates and diet group 4 containing low glycemic index for carbohydrates. The glycemic load was the highest in diet group 1 and the lowest in diet group 4. Changes in body composition and blood chemistries were studied. The average weight loss from each group was similar, but those individuals on diets 2 and 3 lost approximately 80% more fat mass than those on diet 1. The LDL cholesterol levels declined significantly in diet group 2, but increased in diet group 3.
Therefore, both high protein and low glycemic index diets increased body fat loss, but cardiovascular risk reduction is enhanced by a high carbohydrate, low glycemic index diet (diet 2).
The Glycemic Index measures how quickly a food is likely to increase your blood sugar. This may be helpful to know, particularly for the Diabetic person. If your blood sugar is low and continue to drop during exercise, for example, you would need to eat a carbohydrate that will increase your blood sugar quickly. On the other hand, if you want to keep your blood sugar from dropping during a few hours of mild exercise or activity, you would need to eat a carbohydrate with a lower glycemic index and longer action time.
Some low glycemic index foods (less than 55) are Artichoke, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers and eggplants.
Some foods that are considered to have an intermediate glycemic index (55-70) are Brown rice, canned fruit cocktail, linguine, Oatmeal cookies, popcorn, sweet corn and Muesli.
Some foods with a high glycemic index (above 70) include Golden Grahams, Bagel, Corn Chips, Watermelon, Honey, Kaiser roll and Mashed potatoes.
Helen Powell of Powell Legal Nurse Consultant. is a Registered Nurse and considered a health and wellness guru. Helen has written a book on diabetes and several health related articles. You can visit her websites at,
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