Many people who choose to go on some form of diet have no idea what they need to do to burn calories. Burning calories is the only weight to lose those unwanted pounds. There are many things that you can do to burn calories every day. Below are some of the ways that you can burn unwanted calories to make weight loss that much easier.
1. Increase Your Metabolic Rate: Metabolic rate is the rate at which your body burns up calories. If you burn off the same number of calories that you consume daily then your weight will stay the same. Therefore increasing your metabolic rate will enable you to burn off more calories than you consume daily, thus speeding up the rate at which you lose weight.
2. Build Muscle: Increasing the amount of muscle in your body will help you burn calories. For every extra pound of muscle you put on, your body uses around fifty extra calories a day. This is due the fact that muscle is metabolically active and burns more calories.
3. Move More: The more active you and the more you move around then you are sure to burn more calories than you normally do on a daily basis.
4. Eat Spicy Food: Research has shown that spicy foods, namely chilli, can raise your metabolic rate by up to 50% for up to three hours after you’ve eaten a spicy meal.
5. Aerobic Exercise: Sustained high-intensity exercise makes you burn more calories for several hours.
6. Eat little and Often: There are some evidence to suggest that eating small, regular meals will keep your metabolism going faster than larger, less frequent meals.
For lots of information on
the Nutrisystem diet and other weight loss related topics, visit A1 Weight Loss Info at http://www.a1-weight-loss-info.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ken_Wilssens
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