Hoodia Gordonii is grown and located in the Kalahari Desert region of South Africa.
The San peoples knew hoodia gordonii by different names; xshoba, ikhoba, xhooba, etc. Hoodia Gordonii is as appetite suppressant which was taken from the extract of a cactus-like plant with prickly spikes. After a lot of experimentation, hoodia gordonii is known to be safe and without side effects.
A botanist name Francis Masson, who sailed with James Cook, was credited for giving the plant a Latin name; he called the plant Stapelia gordonii. And soon the Stapelia was changed to hoodia, in honor of Van Hood, as ardent succulent grower.
Hoodia gordonii is a cactus which was grown for thousands of years in Kalahari Desert region. A lot of Bushmen have been eating the hoodia cactus to suppress their appetite in their hunting trips. It was seen that P57 which hoodia gordonni has is the molecule that can suppress appetite.
Definitely, hoodia gordonii is known to be safe and there are no questions about that. This has been used usually to treat abdominal cramps and indigestion. And it was used also to treat hypertension and diabetes.
Since 2004, it is only available in the US; the only genuine hoodia gordonii on the market comes from the Western Cape of South Africa in the Kalahari Desert. A 100% pure South African Hoodia from the Kalahari Desert, is when you see a ‘plus’ in the name.
Hoodia Gordonii is actually one of the twenty types of Hoodia plants that can be found in Kalahari Desert in Southern Africa. And the San people have been using hoodia gordonii to keep hunger and thirst for their long hunting trips. Hoodia gordonii was first discovered by Bushmen tribes, and they used it for thousands of years to suppress their hunger and thirst. In just enough doses of this hoodia, you will free from the feeling of hunger and thirst.
But do not take immense doses of Hoodia because it will remove your hunger totally, and it will not let you eat for days.
It was studied that the P57 molecule that hoodia contains is the one that tells the brain that you are already full. This is because Hoodia Gordonii has a molecule which is 10,000 times more powerful than glucose sugar.
Yes, hoodia gordonii can help you lose those weight problems you have. It is 100% natural appetite suppressant, it is proven safe and with no side effects.
Of course people with weight problems wanted to lose weight, but starving yourself is not healthy. So what you can do is to maintain healthy diet while using hoodia gordonii.
Losing weight, doesn’t just come easily, you have to help yourself in order to lose weight properly. It is better to do some proper exercises, eat healthy food and use this magic cactus, in order to have that wanted or desired weight.
As an advice, it is still wiser to consult your doctor before taking any pill in losing your weight, ask some questions, and in doing so, it can help you lose weight surely and properly.
Article Author Eliza Maledevic from http://www.Jump2top.com, a SEO Company. Know more about Hoodia Gordinii at http://www.hoodiastore.org
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eliza_Maledevic
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